Welcome toFinite Loop Club!

We are a Coding club of NMAMIT aiming at Realizing the idea and Inspiring the next!


About Us

Finite Loop is a Coding Club, which aims to give a good perspective of development, and encourages students to realize their ideas. We encourage students to participate in competitive programming and thus, inspire the next.

We stay curious, and seek out new solutions.

We work relentlessly to produce fruitful results.

We support each other to grow, with a positive spirit, and embrace our diversities.

FLC Hackfest 2022-23

11-18th Nov
Meet your teammates and understand their qualities, strengths & weaknesses. Shoot a candid video of your discussion spanning 30 seconds introducing your teammates . Brainstorm and choose a team name & problem statement. One of our core team members will join you during the meet. Once you are done with choosing a problem statement, spend rest of your week in making a presentation of your idea/solution to the problem and how you are going to implement it.
19th-20th Nov
Teams need to pitch in their ideas which they have planned in the previous phase by presenting us on what they're planning to build. This can include the features, planned UI, etc of their end product. Must be shown to the assigned advisor by setting up a meet on any of the 2 days to get the feedbacks.
21 Nov - 25 Dec
Team must work on building the project along with learning the tech simultaneously. Team is expected to report the project progress to the advisor every weekend called as 'Retro/Retrospection' by setting up a meet to discuss what they have done so far, this is counted as 1 sprint. 4 such sprints must happen in the month of December.
Expo Prep
25th Dec onwards
Team is expected to stop development, and must focus on preparing themselves for presenting the project on Project expo. No commits at this stage will be considered. Ppt or any other valid ways can be used to present your project to the judges.
Project Expo
Coming Soon
Final offline stage to showcase the projects at College to our judges. Winning team and Runner-up team will be announced on the same day. Each team member of Winning and Runner up team will be awarded with exciting prizes.
Hackfest Brochure explaining the whole rules and timeline in the detail.

DSA Sprint

The Gateway
20th Nov - 1st Jan '23
Topics covered in this phase are:
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Hashmap
  • Linked List
The Next Milestone
15th Jan-26th Feb
Topics covered in this phase are:
  • Stacks and Queues
  • Trees
  • Priority Queues
  • DS Main test
The Summit
12th Mar - 23rd Apr
Topics covered in this phase are:
  • Recursion /Backtracking
  • Searching
  • Sorting
  • Two Pointer/Sliding Window Problems
The Pinnacle
7th May - 18th June
Topics covered in this phase are:
  • Graphs
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Algorithms Main Test
The Apex
16th july - 30th Jul
Topics covered in this phase are:
  • DSA Test 1
  • DSA Test 2
  • DSA Test 3
DSA Sprint Brochure explaining event and timeline in the detail.

Work on new Trending Tech Stack

Get a chance to explore and innovate using the in-demand Tech Stack! Get your hands to code your idea and enter the world of developers!



Get access to our exclusive discord community

Our Discord community would help you to meet and make new connections with peers, and to expand your network. All-in one place to showcase your projects, knowledge, participate in events or even chill in VCs.